Corner Protection List, Stainless Steel

Corner Protection List, Stainless Steel

The outer corners of doorways, staircases and passageways are very sensitive to external impacts. Outer corner protection list made of stainless steel protects the corners for a long time and efficiently. The ready-made sides bend against the installation surface, so the metal edges do not pose a risk of causing damage by sticking out of the wall surface. Stainless steel is extremely durable and easy to keep clean. Exterior corner moldings are used in both public and private locations.

  • Stainless, brushed steel with protective film
  • Material thickness 0.8 mm
  • Covered pages
  • Special sizes available
  • "The Key Flag symbol" (Made in Finland)
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Title Dimensions (mm)
RKL30P 30x30x2970

Dimensions of the outer corner strip in order: side x side x length

Special dimensions and other profiles also available.

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